
Terms and Conditions

Please read the below and agree to the terms and conditions.

Rules and Regulations

1. Rules and Regulations

  1. In registering for or accepting the offer of admittance to the Exhibition, visitors agree that they shall observe and comply with these rules and regulations and with the rules and regulations of the Exhibition Centre, copies of which are obtainable from the Organisers on request.

2. Conduct in the Exhibition Centre

Visitors shall not do, or permit anything to be done, which shall cause a disturbance, nuisance, annoyance, inconvenience, damage or danger to any person or thing or which in the opinion of the Organisers does not conform with the general standards of the Exhibition or amounts to a breach of these rules and regulations or applicable laws and regulations generally applying.
Visitors may not bring any camera, video recorder or recording equipment of any kind into the Exhibition without the prior written consent of the Organisers. The Organisers reserve the right to search the belongings of any visitor at any time.
It is expressly prohibited for visitors to record images in any form while attending the Exhibition without the prior written consent of the Organisers. Such prohibition includes, but is not limited to, the taking of photographs, video or digital recording of any type and drawing or sketching of images. Visitors agree to surrender to the Organisers on demand any material in whatever media on which images may be recorded in violation of this rule, including but not limited to film, video tapes, sketchbooks, camera phones and digital storage devices.
Should a Visitor in breach of the above rule record any image, the copyright and other intellectual property or other rights (including for the avoidance of doubt, rights in sound recording and broadcasts) whether arising now or in the future (“IPR”) shall vest in the Organisers unconditionally and immediately on the creation or recording of the images. The Visitor undertakes to execute all deeds and documents and to do all things as the Organisers may require to vest the IPR in the Organisers including, without limitation, delivery of the images or copies of them in any media.
The Organisers reserve the right in its sole discretion to refuse admittance to any visitor or to require any visitor to leave if in their opinion his or her behaviour is in breach of these rules and regulations or of any rules and regulations of the Exhibition Centre, or contravenes applicable laws and regulations generally applying. The opinion of the Organisers is final in this regard.

3. Liability

The Organisers shall not be liable to any visitor for any loss of or damage to any of his or her property occurring (from whatever cause) in or about the Exhibition Centre nor for the death of or any injury sustained by any visitor whilst on or leaving the Exhibition Centre (other than for death or injury resulting from the Organisers negligence to the extent this cannot be excluded or restricted at law (and then only to such extent)).
The Visitor agrees that the Organisers shall not incur any liability to him or her for any products displayed or sold by any exhibitor at the Exhibition.
Each Visitor agrees to indemnify and hold the Organisers harmless, on demand, against all claims, liabilities, losses, suits, proceedings, damages, judgments, expenses, costs (including legal fees) and charges of any kind howsoever incurred by or on behalf of or made against the Organisers, its employees, agents and contractors arising out of any infringement or other claim relating to or arising out of the unauthorised taking of any Images by that Visitor.
The Visitor agrees that the Organisers shall not incur any liability to him or her for any error or omission in any information relating to any exhibitor or its products in the Exhibition's official directory or in any other promotional or other printed materials or information provided by the Organisers or that exhibitor.
Visitor acknowledges and agrees that the Organiser, its employees and contractors may take photographs/videos which could include images of the Visitor while attending the Exhibition (the “Images”). Visitor hereby consents to and grants to the Organiser and its affiliates, the unrestricted, irrevocable, perpetual, worldwide, royalty-free and transferable right and license to use (and grant others the right to use) the Images worldwide without any compensation. Visitor acknowledges that the Organiser is the sole and exclusive owner of all rights in the Images and hereby waives (a) any and all rights in and to such Images, and (b) any and all claims the Visitor may have relating to or arising from the Images or their use.
No waiver by the Organisers of any of the provisions of these rules and regulations or of any of its rights hereunder shall have effect unless given in writing and signed by any Director of the Organisers.

4. Privacy Policy Statement from the Organisers

The Organisers take individual privacy seriously. This Statement explains their policies and practices.
The Organisers respect privacy of the Visitor and the Organisers will use their reasonable endeavour to:
  • to implement computer, physical and procedural safeguards to reasonably protect the security and confidentiality of the personal data the Organisers collect;
  • to limit the personal data collected to the minimum required to provide better service;
  • to permit only properly trained, authorized employees to access personal data;
  • not to disclose the personal data to external parties unless the Visitor has agreed, the Organisers are required by law or any lawful request of any enforcement agencies or the Organisers have previously informed the Visitor.

(1) Information collection
In order to provide better service to the Visitor and to fulfil the purposes set out in the next paragraph, the Organisers may collect certain information when the Visitor register with them or communicate with them. In the process, the Organisers may also collect personal information of individual contact persons of companies or their employees, i.e. name, address, telephone number, mobile phone number, fax number, e-mail address and job title. As stated in the registration form, some of the requested information is mandatory and some of them the Visitor may provide voluntarily. If specific mandatory information is requested but not supplied, the Organisers may be unable to provide the requested service. The Organisers only retain personal data for so long as it is necessary or for a specific minimum period of time fulfilling purposes with reasons described below:
- Retention period: 5 years, for the purpose of use of information set out in (2) the next paragraph
- Retention period: 1 year, for the purpose of preventing illicit use
- Retention period: 3 months, for the records of visits in accordance with the Protection of Communications Secrets Act
- Retention period: 6 months, for the records related to ID verification in accordance with the Act on the Promotion of Information and Communications Network Utilization and Information Protection
- Retention period: 3 years, for the records of consumer complaints or dispute settlement in accordance with the Act on the Consumer Protection in the Electronic Commerce Transactions
- Retention period: 5 years, for the records related to contracts or withdrawal of subscription in accordance with the Act on the Consumer Protection in the Electronic Commerce Transactions
- Retention period: 5 years, for the records regarding payment and supply of goods in accordance with the Act on the Consumer Protection in the Electronic Commerce Transactions

(2) Use of information
The purposes for which information may be used by the Organisers include:
  • processing applications for exhibiting at or visiting their trade fairs
  • facilitating and enhancing their operations by incorporating the personal data into their database and conducting analysis, research and auditing based on the personal data
  • promoting and notifying the Visitor of their trade fairs in Republic of Korea and around the world, and events or trade fairs organised by their affiliates and joint venture partners.
  • distributing publications and research materials of their company
  • marketing their services or products
  • if necessary, facilitating legal proceedings, including collecting overdue amounts
The Organisers may use personal data of the Visitor, including its name, email address and physical address to conduct direct marketing in relation to the promotion of and invitation to their trade fairs in Republic of Korea and around the world, and events or trade fairs organised by their affiliates and joint venture partners, as well as the promotion of their services via fax, email, direct mail, telephone and other means of communication, or send e-newsletters to the Visitor. The Organisers will not so use the personal data of the Visitor unless the Organisers have received the Visitor’s consent to the said intended use. The Visitor may choose not to receive promotional materials by simply notifying the Organisers through the below contact details, and the Organisers will cease to do so, without charge.

(3) Disclosure / Transfer of Data
The Organisers will keep the personal data they hold confidential but may provide or transfer the personal data to:
  • their agents, advisers, auditors, contractors, and service providers in connection with their operations or services for facilitating and enhancing their operations and conducting analysis, research and auditing based on the personal data
  • their overseas offices, affiliates, joint venture partners, which are also exhibition organisers, for the purpose of conducting direct marketing in relation to the promotion of and invitation to their trade fairs in Republic of Korea and around the world
  • persons to whom the Organisers are required to make disclosure under applicable laws in or outside Republic of Korea
Further details on the transfer of personal data and outsourcing of data processing work may be found here: [] The Organisers will update such details from time to time, so the Visitors may wish to check the details on a regular basis.

(4) Cookies [applicable to online user]
When the Visitors browse website of the Organisers, cookies may be stored in the computer's hard drive of the Visitors. The Organisers use cookies to personalise use of their website and to operate the service areas. The Visitors have a choice not to accept cookies, but if the Visitor do, certain functionality may become unavailable.

(5) Security
In general, Personal Data of the Visitor is kept confidential and is only accessible by authorised personnel. Personal data stored electronically are password-protected. Encryption technology is used on the secured web areas of the Organisers. The Organisers recommend that the Visitor do not divulge his/her User Login Name and Password to anyone. The personnel of the Organisers will never ask the Visitor for his/her User Login Name and Password in an unsolicited phone call or in an unsolicited e-mail. Remember to sign out of his/her Account and close the browser window when the Visitor has finished his/her session with the Website. The Visitor is responsible for all activities that occur under his/her User Account and Password.

(6) Hyperlinks [applicable to online user]
Their websites may include links to external sites, including sites of members, third parties and "co- branded" sites. Links to external sites do not imply any endorsement of such sites (or any products or services offered thereon) by the Organisers or any warranty or guarantee of any information provided thereon. The Organisers disclaim and exclude any responsibility or liability for any external site for which a link is provided and this Privacy Policy shall not apply to any such site. Please refer to the privacy policies of the other websites.

(7) Changes
Any changes to this Privacy Policy Statement will be posted on and effective immediately on the posting date.

(8) Transfer of Data Overseas
The Organisers will generally hold personal data of the Visitor on their servers in Republic of Korea. However, the Organisers may transfer it to their overseas offices elsewhere in the world or to any of the people listed at paragraph 4(3) above, who may be located elsewhere.

(9) Consent and rights of the Visitor
By checking the appropriate box below or by signing at the space provided below, the Visitor consent to the collection and use of his/her personal data as outlined in this Statement, including the use and provision of his/her personal data for direct marketing.
Under the Personal Information Protection Act, individuals have the right:
  • to check whether the Organisers hold personal data about the Visitor and to access such data
  • to require the Organisers to correct inaccurate data
  • to ascertain policies and practices of the Organisers in relation to personal data and the kind of personal data held by them.
Please send requests to access or correct data, to cease communications, and questions or complaints to:
Informa Markets Korea Corporation 8F
Woodo Building., 214, Mangu-ro,
Jungnang-gu, Seoul, Republic of Korea.
Tel: + 82 2 6715 5400 Fax: + 82 2 432 5885

The Organisers may charge a reasonable fee for processing a data access request.
For security purpose and in order to prevent and detect crime, visitors may be subject to a random bag search and CCTV camera recording in the Exhibition Centre.

5. Governing Law & Jurisdiction

These rules and regulations shall be governed by and construed in all respects in accordance with the laws of the Republic of Korea and all visitors submit to the non-exclusive jurisdiction of the courts of the Republic of Korea.
The rights of the Organisers are cumulative and not exclusive of rights and remedies provided by law, and may be waived only in writing and specifically. Delay in exercising or non-exercise of any such right is not a waiver of that right.
In case of discrepancy between the English and other language versions, the English version is authoritative.
I hereby agree to comply with the above terms and confirm that I have read and understood the Statement in Clause 4. I have the right not to consent to the collection of my personal data and am fully aware that if my personal data is not provided, access to services from the organizer will be limited. Please note that scanning your personal barcode on exhibitors’ barcode reader (for product consultations and event participation), is an implied consent which provides authority to handle and transfer your personal information to the third party.
I agree to the collection and use of my personal data as outlined in this Statement. (Required)
I agree to the provision of my personal data to third parties and overseas transfer of personal data as outlined in this statement. (Optional)
I agree to give consent to the collection and use of personal data for direct marketing purposes and receiving information related to CPhI/ICSE/P-MEC/bioLIVE/Hi Korea 2023 via text messages, email, etc. as outlined in this statement. (Optional)

Exhibitor's Personal Information Policy

AMXPO JV: Draft Updated Privacy Policy

Informa Markets KOAMI Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as Informa Markets) is the organizer of the Asia Machinery & Manufacturing Expo Korea (hereinafter referred to as "AMXPO"; In accordance with Article 30 of the Personal Information Protection Act, Informa Markets KOAMI Co., Ltd. has established and published this privacy statement in order to protect personal data and to handle related issues effectively. Informa Markets shall be hereinafter referred to as "AMXPO".

We take the privacy and protection of data and information seriously and are committed to handling the personal information of all those we engage with, whether customers, suppliers, colleagues or any other community, responsibly and in a way that meets the legal requirements of the countries in which we operate.

s part of using AMXPO’s products and services, browsing our websites and contacting the business, data and information is collected. This Privacy Policy sets out AMXPO’s approach to safeguarding and maintaining the privacy of that personal information, and explains what data is collected, how it is used, the legal basis for its use, and the rights individuals have over that data.

Article 1 (Purpose of Personal Data Processing)

"AMXPO" shall process the personal data for the following purposes. The processed personal data shall not be used for the purposes other than the following. If there is a change to any of the following purposes, "AMXPO" shall take necessary measures, such as obtaining additional consent from the data subject in accordance with Article 18 of the Personal Information Protection Act.

Where required, we rely on your valid consent to process your personal data, otherwise we may rely on our contractual or other legal obligations.

1) Product enquires, sales and administration

As part of a purchase, product enquiry, request for information and for account administration, we collect information such as your name, country, job title, company information, postal address, e-mail address, telephone number as well as details about your company and business role.

If you have made an enquiry about us or our products or services, either online, face to face or over the phone, we will use your personal information to respond to the enquiry or to take other steps at your request, before you enter into a contract. For example, we collect the e-mail addresses and additional contact details of those who send e-mails to request information. Where a sales representative speaks to you over the phone, the calls may be recorded for training and monitoring purposes only. In the latter case, you will be informed, and specific technical measures will be applied to minimize the processing of your personal data (e.g. ID information will be deleted to the possible extent).

If you have registered for or purchased a product or service, including on a trial basis, your personal information will be used to provide that product or service, communicate about it and handle payments, as is necessary for the performance of the contract entered into.

For purchases, payment information including credit/debit card number/bank details and billing addresses are also collected. Where payment card processors are used to facilitate payment card transactions on our website, your data will be collected and used according to that data controllers’ privacy policy. We take steps to ensure that any payment services provider we use will provide a high standard of privacy and security controls.

If your personal information is relevant to certain products and is freely available through public sources, such as on a website related to your work or profession, we may use this personal information to promote our products, as part of our legitimate interests as a commercial organisation and to the extent allowed by law.

2) Event and exhibition management

If you have agreed to participate in one of our events as a speaker, sponsor, exhibitor, buyer or visitor, personal information is used in connection with the organisation of the event, to handle payments or for other purposes, as is necessary for performing the contract entered into. We will also use your personal information to maintain our databases, assess your qualities as a speaker or sponsor/exhibitor/buyer, promote events and encourage further engagement at our events, as part of the legitimate interests we have as a commercial organisation.

In order to access the event’s matchmaking platform, a personal picture is required to complete the exhibitor/buyer profile.

In addition, we sometimes take photos and videos at our events, which may feature visitors, speakers, sponsors or exhibitors. Where photos and videos are taken that feature you as a visitor, speaker, sponsor or exhibitor, we may use those photos and videos for promotional purposes on our channels, such as our website or social accounts (legal bases: consent or controller’s legitimate interest, according to applicable laws).

3) Marketing

We will use your personal information to send you newsletters, offers or other marketing e-mails to keep you up to date with our news, events and products and services that may be of interest. Depending on the nature of your interaction with us and the laws of the country where you live, you may have actively given your consent for this by opting in, or we may be entitled to rely on your implied consent or our legitimate interests.

The opportunity to opt out of future marketing e-mails will be provided on every marketing email and we will provide information on how to opt out when your personal information is collected. You have the right to amend your marketing preferences at any time.

To make a request to amend your details/preferences, please send an e-mail to or write to us at:

4) Customer and prospects management (including analytics and product management)

We may use your personal information, combined with publicly available data and your demographic data, to deliver products and services, to choose relevant offers that may be of interest to you, to improve our existing products and services, and to develop new products and services, as part of our legitimate interests as a commercial organisation or on the basis of your consent if applicable laws so require.

We may also use your data in advertising campaigns on Social Media platforms such as Linked In, Instagram and Facebook in order to provide information about upcoming events/new products and to ensure that you only receive relevant advertising about our products and services.

5) Analytics – websites, emails and database (including location data)

We may combine visitor session information, or other information collected through tracking technologies with personally identifiable information, to understand and measure your online experiences and determine what products, promotions and services are likely to be of interest.

Technical methods are also used in HTML e-mails, for purposes including: (i) to determine whether recipients have opened or forwarded e-mails and/or clicked on links in those e-mails, (ii) to customise the display of banner advertisements and other messages after closing an e-mail, and (iii) to determine whether a visitor has made an enquiry or a purchase in response to a particular e-mail.

6) Bulletin boards or chat areas

When you disclose personal information on any public bulletin board or chat areas of this website, or any other website used as a result of use of this website, such personal information can be collected and used by anyone who views that board or area. This may result in unsolicited messages from other participants or other parties, which we are not responsible for.

Where you engage on our customer enquiry chat areas, we will use any information provided to help recommend our products and services and/or assist with confirming any order you wish to place.

7) Automated decision-making (including profiling)

We use algorithm-based technologies to personalise dynamic web content based on your stated and/or inferred interests. We carry out general profiling such as segmentation, non-automated and automated decision-making based on profiling for the purpose of providing you with a more relevant experience and for the purposes of our legitimate interests as a commercial organisation or on the basis of your consent if applicable laws so require. Solely automated decision making is never used in any way that produces a legal or similarly significant effect. This automated decision-making is never based on sensitive personal data and we make efforts to ensure any profiling is non-discriminatory.

Depending on the laws of the country where you live, you may have rights related to our decision. For example, if you live in the European Union, you may have the right not to be subject to automated decision-making unless specific exceptions apply, or you may have the right to insist on human intervention in the process, express your point of view or contest the decision. If you wish to exercise any such right, please contact us via one of the methods set out in the ‘Privacy Officer’ section below. In some cases, we may have the right to continue with our decision, in accordance with applicable laws. This will be explained if it is the case. Otherwise, we will respond to your request as promptly as reasonably possible.

8) Compliance with our legal obligations

To ensure compliance with international trade sanction laws and regulations, we screen customers, vendors and other business partners against US, OFAC, BIS, UN, EU, UK and other applicable sanctions lists. Should any screening checks flag an issue where we cannot continue in a contract or other interaction with a customer, vendor or other business partner, they will always be informed.

Name of personal data file Operating grounds Purpose of processing data
Visitor Pre-Registration Consent from data subjects Personal identification/authentication for visiting the exhibition, and provision of advertising information
Exhibitor Application Consent from data subjects Contract for participation, installation of exhibition booths and products, and various service provisions
Exhibition and Participation Inquiries Consent from data subjects Identifying inquirers, verifying and processing inquiries

Article 2 (Retention and Usage Period of Personal Data)

(1) "AMXPO" shall process and retain personal data within the retention and usage period in accordance with the relevant statutes or within the retention and usage period of personal data agreed upon collecting personal data from data subjects.

(2) The retention and usage period of personal data shall be as follows:

  1. Personal data related to the provision of services shall be retained and used for one (1) year from the date consent is given to collection and use of personal data.
  2. - Grounds for retaining personal data: Consent from data subjects

  3. Personal data related to marketing and advertisement shall be retained and used for one (1) year from the date consent is given to collection and use of personal data.
  4. - Grounds for retaining personal data: Consent from data subjects

  5. Personal data collected via on-site registration shall be retained and used in the same way as the personal data processed for visitor application.
  6. - Grounds for retaining personal data: Consent from data subjects

Article 3 (Provision of Personal Data to a Third Party)

(1) "AMXPO" shall process personal data of data subjects within the scope specified in Article 1 (Purpose of Personal Data Processing), providing personal data to the third party only when it meets the provisions of Articles 17 and 18 of the Personal Information Protection Act; the provisions include consent from the data subjects and existence of special provisions in other laws.

(2) "AMXPO" shall provide personal data to the third party as follows:
Checking the appropriate checkbox on the provision of personal data to a third party, applicable to both online pre-registration and onsite registration, acts as a statement of consent to the provision of personal data by a data subject.
Scanning the visitor's personal barcode on the exhibitors' barcode reader (for product consultations and event participation), is an implied consent which provides authority to handle and transfer the visitor's personal data to the third party.


- Purpose for which the recipient collects and uses personal data: Development of new services (products), provision of customized services, provision of information on events and advertisement, and of opportunity for participation

- Items to be provided: Gender, full name, e-mail, company name, zip code, company address, department, job position, company phone number, mobile phone number, industry, business nature, fields of interest, purpose of visit, purchasing responsibility, job function, annual purchasing budget, annual turnover, and number of employees

- The period during which the recipient retains and uses personal data: One (1) year from the date personal data is provided

Article 4 (Outsourcing of Personal Data)

(1) For a seamless processing of personal data, it shall be outsourced as follows.

Outsourcee Tasks to be Outsourced Personal Data Retention & Usage Period
Welltec Visitor identification and issuance of badges Until the end of the exhibition or termination of outsourcing contract
Joong Ang Exhibition Co., Ltd. Application for participation in the exhibition Until the end of the exhibition or termination of outsourcing contract
Panaroad Application for participation in the exhibition Until the end of the exhibition or termination of outsourcing contract
KINTEX Application for participation in the exhibition Until the end of the exhibition or termination of outsourcing contract
Informa Group Visitor pre-registration, application for participation in the exhibition and various services, data storage, and service operation One (1) year from the date personal data is provided

(2) When signing an outsourcing contract, "AMXPO" shall specify the followings in the contract and other relevant documents: Prevention of personal data processing for the purposes other than the outsourced purpose, technical and managerial safeguards of personal data, limitation on re-outsourcing, control and supervision over outsourcees, and compensation and responsibilities. And "AMXPO" shall supervise whether outsourcees process personal data safely.

(3) If there is any change in the tasks to be outsourced, "AMXPO" will notify the change via this Privacy Statement without delay.

Article 5 (Overseas Transfer of Personal Data)

"AMXPO" outsources storage of data and operation of services to "Informa Group" as follows. "Informa Markets" is the parent company of the organizer, protects personal data in accordance with the same information protection policy as that of "AMXPO", and carries out its duties under strict supervision of "AMXPO".

Outsourcee Informa Group
Tasks to be Outsourced Pre-registration, application for participation, various services, data storage, and service operation of the exhibition
Personal Data Items to be Transferred 1. Visitor pre-registration: Gender, name, e-mail, company name, zip code, company address, department, job position, company phone number, mobile phone number, industry, business nature, fields of interests, purpose of visit, English name, company name in English, job function, annual purchasing budget, purchasing responsibility, annual turnover, and number of employees

2. Application for participation: Company name, company website, company address, name of the person in charge, department in charge, position, phone number, fax number, mobile phone number, e-mail, name of the person in charge of tax invoice, department in charge, position, phone number, fax number, business nature, purpose of visit, key exhibits, exhibit details, booth application, and participation fee
Outsourcing Schedule and Method Transmission via network from a remote site immediately after online application
Data Transfer Destination Country Hong Kong
Retention Period One (1) year
Person in Charge of Data Management

Article 6 (Rights and Obligations of Data Subjects and Methods for Exercise of Rights)

(1) Data subjects may exercise the following rights concerning protection of personal data over "AMXPO".

  1. Request access to personal data
  2. Request amendments
  3. Request deletion
  4. Request suspension of processing

(2) Exercising rights in accordance with Paragraph (1) of this Article may be done pursuant to attached Form 8 of Public Notification concerning the methods for processing personal data (Public Notification of the Personal Information Protection Commission no. 2020-7) via letter, e-mail, or fax and "AMXPO" shall take necessary measures for exercising the rights without delay.

(3) If a data subject makes a request for amendment or deletion of an error in his/her personal data, "AMXPO" shall not use or provide such personal data until the amendment or the deletion is made.

(4) Exercising rights in accordance with Paragraph (1) may be done via a legal representative of a data subject, a person entrusted with exercising the rights, or an agent. In this case, a letter of authorization shall be submitted in accordance with attached Form 11 of Public Notification concerning the methods for processing personal data (Public Notification of the Personal Information Protection Commission no. 2020-7).

Article 7 (Personal Data Items to be Processed)

"AMXPO" processes the following personal data items.

(1) Application for pre-registration

Of the items to be collected, industry, business nature, fields of interests, and purpose of visit shall only be used for visitor statistics and providing match-making services for participating companies and buyers in accordance with Article 18 of the Personal Information Protection Act.

- Required items: Gender, name, e-mail, company name, zip code, company address, department, job position, company phone number, mobile phone number, industry, business nature, fields of interests, and purpose of visit, job function, annual purchasing budget, purchasing responsibility, annual turnover, and number of employees

- Optional items: English name and company name in English

- Methods for collection: Online and onsite registration

- Grounds for retaining personal data: Consent from data subjects

- Retention period: One (1) year

(2) Application for participation

- Required items: Company name, company website, company address, name of the person in charge, department in charge, position, phone number, fax number, mobile phone number, and e-mail

- Optional items: Name of the person in charge of tax invoice, department in charge, position, phone number, fax number, business nature, purpose of visit, key exhibits, exhibit details, booth application, and participation fee

- Methods for collection: Online, e-mail, and fax

- Grounds for retaining personal data: Consent from data subjects

- Retention period: One (1) year

(3) Exhibition and participation inquiries

- Required items: Inquiry category, title, name, position, company name, e-mail, mobile phone, and details of inquiry

- Methods for collection: Online

- Grounds for retaining personal data: Consent from data subjects

- Retention period: One (1) year

Sensitive personal data (also called “special categories of data”)

If collecting or storing sensitive personal data such as information relating to health, religious beliefs or political affiliation, we typically ask for your explicit consent. However, there are some situations where it will not be possible to request consent, such as if you have an accident at one of our events. If this does occur, we will ensure your privacy rights are protected and other legal bases could be applied (e.g. protection of your vital interests).


Our services and products are principally directed at business professionals. They are generally not intended for children under the age of eighteen or for underage people which cannot be bound by contract under applicable laws. We do not knowingly collect personal information from users in this age group and reserve the right to delete such information if we become aware of having collected it.

Article 8 (Destroying Personal Data)

(1) In principle, "AMXPO" shall destroy personal data without delay when the purpose of processing the data is fulfilled.

(2) The procedures and methods for destroying personal data shall be as follows:

  1. Procedures for destroying personal data
  2. "AMXPO" shall select the personal data that has the grounds for being destroyed and then destroy the data after obtaining approval from the privacy officer at "AMXPO".

  3. Methods for destroying personal data
  4. "AMXPO" shall destroy the personal data recorded and stored in an electronic file by making the file unable to be opened and the personal data recorded and stored in paper with a paper shredder or by burning the paper.

Article 9 (Ensuring the Safety of Personal Data)

"AMXPO" takes technical, managerial, and physical measures required to ensure the safety of personal data in accordance with Article 29 of the Personal Information Protection Act.

1. Establishment and implementation of an internal management plan

"AMXPO" is establishing and implementing an internal management plan for safe processing of personal data.

2. Technical measures against hacking, etc.

"AMXPO" installed security programs to prevent personal data from being divulged or damaged by hacking or computer viruses and has updated the system on a regular basis for examination. "AMXPO" installed the system in an area where access is restricted from the outside, and has monitored and blocked the system technically and physically.

3. Restricting access to personal data

"AMXPO" has taken necessary measures to restrict access to personal data by granting, changing, and denying the right to access to the database system which processes personal data and has restricted unauthorized access to the system from the outside with its intrusion prevention system.

4. Restricting entry by an unauthorized person

"AMXPO" has a separate physical area where personal data is stored. Entry to the area is restricted under the procedures established and implemented by "AMXPO."

Article 10 (Privacy Officer)

(1) "AMXPO" has designated a privacy officer who takes charge of personal data processing. The officer handles data subjects' grievances and remedial compensation in relation to personal data processing.

Privacy officer

Name : Cho Sangyeon

Position : CEO

Phone : 02-369-7800

Fax : 02-369-7899

Email :

Department in charge of personal data protection

Person in charge : Kim Dongwan

Phone : 02-369-7800

Fax : 02-369-7899

Email :

(2) A data subject may inquire to the privacy officer and department in charge of personal data protection at "AMXPO" on personal data protection, grievances handling, and remedial compensation arising from using the services (businesses) of "AMXPO". "AMXPO" shall answer and handle the inquiries of the data subject without delay.

Article 11 (Remedy against Infringement upon Rights)

A data subject may inquire the following institutions about remedy against infringement upon the rights of the data subject and consultation.

[The following institutions are independent from "AMXPO". If you are not satisfied with "AMXPO"'s handling of grievances about personal data and the results of its remedy or if you need more detailed help, feel free to contact any of the followings.]

- Personal Information Infringement Report Center ( / phone number: 118 (without area code))

- Cybercrime Investigation Division of the Supreme Prosecutors' Office ( / phone number: 1301 (without area code))

- Cyber Safety Bureau of the Korean National Police Agency ( / phone number: 182 (without area code))

Article 12 (Changes in Privacy Statement)

(1) This Privacy Statement shall be effective from August 19, 2021.

(2) You can check any of the previous statements below.

- Effective until August 18, 2021.

Visitor Types

Personal Details

단체관람 신청[학교]

Group Registration[Company]

Visitor Lists (A total of 1 people) * Except for yourself, which you wrote at the top